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Prime Art IRIS Gouache Primary Mixing Set 6 x 22ml

This set of artist quality gouache offers a selection of 6 x 22ml tubes of specially selected colours to ensure the best results when colour mixing. Colours are rich and lightfast, and dry to a smooth matte finish.

IRIS Gouache is easily mixed and highly blendable. Create a full spectrum of colour with our Primary Mixing Set.

Primary Mixing Set includes 6 x 22ml tubes:

Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Primary Blue, Lamp Black, plus 2 tubes of Titanium White.

CLICK HERE for Prime Art IRIS Gouache Primary Mixing Set 22ml COLOUR CHART


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PAG6APrime Art IRIS Gouache Primary Mixing Set (6 x 22ml)

Prime Art & Graphics (Pty) Ltd

Units 5, 6 and 11E Central Park, 112 Epping Avenue, Elsies River, 7490, South Africa 

Tel:     +27 (0)21 931 1230  /  0860 22 68 27


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