Sakura Koi Water Colour (Metallic, Pearlesc. & Fluoresc.)
- These portable watercolour sets are perfect for painting on the go
- Ideal for the travelling artist
- Spectrum of assorted half-pan artist watercolour paints
- Refillable water brush
- Adjustable, detachable palette
- Sponges for dabbing the water brush
- The case protects and stores your equipment in one place
- The watercolour brush is designed to allow easy squeeze and paint action
- Set of 12 includes 4 metallic and 8 fluorescent colours, 4ml water brush plus a sponge
- Set of 24 includes 4 metallic, 12 pearlescent and 8 fluorescent colours, 9ml water brush and 2 sponges
CLICK HERE for COLOUR CHART for Sakura Koi Water Colour Set Metallic/Fluro (12 Colours)
CLICK HERE for COLOUR CHART for Sakura Koi Water Colour Set Metallic/Fluro (24 Colours)
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XNCW-12MHSakura Koi Water Colour Field Sketch Set Metallic/Fluro 12 Asstd.
XNCW-24MPHSakura Koi Water Colour Field Sketch Set Metallic/Fluro 24 Asstd.