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Cretacolor Monolith Graphite Pencils

  • The Monolith woodless graphite pencil is a pure graphite stick protected by a thin lacquer coating
  • Broad and thin strokes can be applied with equal ease
  • Available in HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B, 9B
  • Use in conjunction with a special monolith sharpener and eraser
  • Round with a 7mm barrel and 146mm in length

Products in this Range

CC20400Cretacolor Monolith Graphite HB (12)
CC20402Cretacolor Monolith Graphite 2B (12)
CC20404Cretacolor Monolith Graphite 4B (12)
CC20406Cretacolor Monolith Graphite 6B (12)
CC20408Cretacolor Monolith Graphite 8B (12)
CC20409Cretacolor Monolith Graphite 9B (12)
CC20425Cretacolor Monolith Pocket Set (6)
CC20504Creatcolor Monolith Graphite 4B AQUA
CC30022Cretacolor Monolith Eraser 6cm BIG (14)
CC30044Cretacolor Monolith Eraser 2.8cm SMALL (30)
CC43024Cretacolor Monolith Sharpener (24)

Prime Art & Graphics (Pty) Ltd

Units 5, 6 and 11E Central Park, 112 Epping Avenue, Elsies River, 7490, South Africa 

Tel:     +27 (0)21 931 1230  /  0860 22 68 27


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